This information is used to target ads coarsely using metadata, such as network IP address. For example, this prevents people in US getting ads about marketing campaigns in the Europe, or seeing a promotion targeted to Asia while playing the game in South America. This permission is not required by "No Ads" versions of VN applications and/or games unless it is required for proper operation due to the type of application, for example an application that shows the user's position as a navigation aid.
The fine location is used to target ads to specific campaigns and opportunities near to the current user position.
This permission is needed to access device ID, which is then hashed to create an anonymous identifier. This is how VN can analyze how the games are played or application browsed, in order to develop a better experience or new features. The device ID is always hashed, and not used or stored as such by VN. No information regarding phone numbers or phone calls is collected or stored by VN.
When our aplications save information on the device's storages the device ID is used together with strong cryptographic algoritms to secure your data to be stolen from your device.
Permissions to view networks states and Wi-Fi state to detect and verify the presence of internet connections.
Additional permissions are asked for Markets billing service for in-app purchases.