Social Responsibility

At BolivarTech, we believe there is more to life than balance sheets and income statements. Our partners and staff are committed to giving back to the communities in which we live and work. Through our various volunteer opportunities, we not only help those in need, but we provide an environment that encourages team work and life balance.

World Community Grid

BolivarTech is very proud to be a partner of the World Community Grid. We strongly believe in the ability of sheer computing horsepower - coupled with the great scientific minds running these projects - to make a real difference to future generations.

World Community Grid is making technology available only to public and not-for-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research that might otherwise not be completed due to the high cost of the computer infrastructure required in the absence of a public grid. As part of our commitment to advancing human welfare, all results will be in the public domain and made public to the global research community.

While breaking for lunch, or grabbing a coffee, our idling home computers turn into a powerful research tool helping to solve the world's most difficult health and societal problems on the World Community Grid.

Our computers are currently solving the following problems: Mapping Cancer Markers, Fight Aids.

We strongly encourage anyone - including our partners! - to get involved in the World Community Grid. Every computer participating can make a valuable contribution, without affecting day-to-day use of the computer in any way. Great lengths have been taken to establish and maintain the highest levels of security with the project. In fact, IBM has individuals on staff that continuously test the strength and security of the system.

Come learn more about World Community Grid and join BolivarTech team.

Corporate Social Responsibility Ethics

We act with integrity and in an ethical, honest and reliable manner.

We are committed to high standards of business ethics in all interactions with clients, colleagues, suppliers and within the local community.

We strive to create an environment free from any form of discrimination in which all our staff are encouraged and able to reach their full potential.

At BolivarTech we support equal opportunity in the workplace.

All staff must adhere to the five fundamental ethical principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behavior as set out in the Code of Ethics issued by the International Federation of Accountants.

Corporate Social Responsibility Helping the Environment

We want to do all we can to help the environment. We will play our part by reducing our energy consumption and promoting the recycling of materials - paper, toner cartridges, mobile phones, IT equipment, glass, plastics and cardboard.

Corporate Social Responsibility Supporting nonprofits organizations

We support nonprofits and community organizations by offering discounted fees for professional work.